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Tri-Star Heating Air & Plumbing


Phone (912) 236-2260
Mobile (912) 236-2260 - Mobile
Address 1606 Staley Avenue,
Savannah, GA 31405 United States


"Working efficiently and living comfortably is not possible without optimal conditions in your workspace or home. After all, temperatures highly affect our wellbeing, our pet's health, and our productivity. Investing in a quality air conditioning and properly working HVAC system is, therefore, crucial. Sloppy installation can cause cooling, ventilation or heating units many problems, so it is crucial to pick the best service and communicate your desires and milestones thoroughly. Besides HVAC we also offer plumbing services.

TriStar Heating Air and Plumbing does the job for you! Our professional, highly educated and skilled crew vouches you high quality and successful job done on your home or business. We are the only service provider you need as we cover a broad range of services. Our Savannah company uses latest methods and techniques to get the best results. No more hiring five different companies when you can have it all with TriStar!

Tri-Star Heating Air & Plumbing
1606 Staley Ave, Savannah GA , 31405
Phone: 912-236-2260
Hours: Monday-Friday, 12AM-12PM
Payment Method: All Major Credit Cards and Checks"

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